I’ve been busy, though it’s probably not terribly apparent here. I’ve been hoping that someone would author accessible content about spaces of all kinds, and position it for an audience that’s new(ish) to UX. I imagined that this piece of work would bring together related concepts in architecture, built environments, wayfinding, interfaces and mixed reality. Kind of an hands-on, let’s-put-it-into-practice version of A Pattern Language. And then I decided why not create a class around this idea? And we could explore (one should never be locked in a classroom during Vancouver’s precious summer months!), observe, pretend and learn from things that we could actually see and touch.
So, if you’re curious what we got up to, you can find detailed posts about my Spacetime User Experience Design course. We created empathy toolkits, invented our own heuristics for evaluating physical space, toyed around with our own versions of Humanscale, played board games, designed cubes, and wrote/directed design fiction.